Masáže Body Terapie

Homepage » BODY Procedures » Dorn Method

Dorn method

This is a gentle form of manual therapy, in which the vertebrae and joints are placed in

their correct position. This method requires the active participation of both the therapist

and customer. It leads to a release of physical and psychological blockages, which is the

most common cause of a disharmony of energy flow. Such disharmony is manifested by an

insufficient supply of nutrients, a flawed transfer of information and increased level of toxins

in the organs, tissues and cells.

The Dorn method is the opposite of physiotherapy, as it is a more gentle approach. The

alighnment of the body is not corrected through a physical shock or by anmicrotrauma to

muscles, ligaments or bone, as is the case of forced traction. In the Dorn method, alighnment

through movement is absorbed by muscle movement, while not opposing the movement of

bones and joints, but in unison with natural body movements. Mild pain due to pressure of the

thumb disappears quickly after alighnment.

The complete treatment lasts for 120 min in general, one or two treatments are sufficient.

After the first treatment, it is essential to follow the advice of the therapist and to perform

simple exercises daily to maintain the correct posture of the joints including hips and allow

time for the body to adapt to "reprogramming".


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